Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Easy Guidelines to Assist You in Buying Your Girlfriend the Best Gift Conceivable

Buying your girlfriend a gift can be a hazardous task - one false move and the relationship is over. Or, at best, she's always reminding you about the one time you got her the sucky gift!

Below are 5 guidelines to make the most of your gift.

Rule 1: Identify the Situation

What's the occasion for giving the gift? Is it a holiday? If it is, what's the theme? For example, if it's her graduation, a scholarly or professional gift might be a nice touch. Be sure to reflect upon how her friends could interpret the gift in light of the occasion - and how they will view you because of it.

Also - does your girlfriend expect a certain present? Has she been dropping mad clues to get you to figure it out? Pay close attention. If she does expect a certain present - then you're good - that is, if you can determine what she is asking for. If you can't, we have some work to do.

Rule 2: Identify your Goals

It may come off as egotistical, but - what are your goals in getting her a gift? What kind of emotions are you trying to create in her? What kind of places directions are you trying to take this relationship to?

It's also well worth considering: what kind of reactions are you interested in encouraging in her friends and family? Do you want them to think you're the best boyfriend ever? Employ this gift to ratchet up your standing with them.

Rule 3: Concentrate on your Girlfriend's Interests

If you have no idea, figure it out. And hear her out! Be craftier than just straight up asking - examine the things that are important in her life without leaving any clues as to your motives.

For instance, is there a specific song that she likes? Is there a certain part of the tune that makes her especially passionate? How come? Pay attention and you will gain a lot of understanding.

Rule 4: Do not Give Something that could Create a Hassle

Sometimes a present becomes the gift that forever keeps on giving - in a negative way. Anything that produces undue strain because of unforeseen time or monetary costs can create a burden.

A puppy is maybe the canonical example. If your girlfriend has an interest in world travel, owning one - and having to feed it, love it, and arrange for its care when she (and you?) are out traveling the world - probably does not fit the bill.

Another heads up - don't get a present that engenders in her the implication that she needs to improve. A gym membership is probably an unwise gift idea.

Rule 5: Give her a Personal Experience

Rather than just getting her a present, trick it out to create a personalized experience. For example, suppose you get your girlfriend something cooking-related, like a rice cooker. Sometimes, a gift like this might be thought of unfavorably. Create some insurance for yourself by making her her first dinner with it - ideally, her favorite. She'll remember the gift and the effort you took in creating that first meal each time she uses it. Mission accomplished.

Using these simple principles, you will become very successful giving your girlfriend the best possible presents. Use your new powers wisely, and go boldly forth into gift-giving super stardom.

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