Monday, June 18, 2012

The Ideal Museum Gift Store Merchandise

Museums offer memories of days gone by and represent the artistic abilities of our fellow humans. It is only fitting therefore that the merchandise sold in the Museum store represents the artistic accomplishments and history being presented. Visitors like to purchase a gift item that will remind them of their visit and that represents a memorable museum exhibit in all its color and splendor. From the Museum's perspective, this custom-made merchandise usually becomes top sellers in the gift store.

A great museum store product will have the following characteristics:

- Be visual in nature so the visitor can relate to it quickly and easily
- Presented in a way that delivers the Museum's brand and an awe-inspiring "WOW" factor
- Appeal to your target audience whether that be children, families or adults
- Retail at a price that is affordable to most people
- Offer educational value to fit the objectives of the museum

One such product that ticks all the boxes is a custom printed jigsaw puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles have been around for 150 years and their popular appeal continues to this day. They offer a great way to represent your museum and its exhibits in a unique way while allowing visitors to take a colorfully representation of the museum home with them. Not only will they be able to recreate their favorite piece like an image of someone's favorite antique doll from the 17th century or a work by Monet, they'll be able to revisit it over and over again and share it with the family.

A custom printed jigsaw puzzle is a gift that is just different enough to grab someone's interest, especially when they see the puzzle box with a crystal clear, high quality image of their favorite museum exhibit proudly displayed in your store. A jigsaw puzzle is also interactive so guaranteed to bring years of entertainment to both the buyer and anyone they decide to bring one home to. Best of all, a custom printed jigsaw puzzle will always remind them of your museum with a happy memory as they recall the experience.

Jigsaw puzzles also have broad appeal to all ages and nationalities, are immediately recognisable and are often shared around the family or given as a gift. By offering a variety of custom printed museum jigsaw puzzles to choose from in your museum store, your visitors can decide which one is their favorite, creating a personal connection between the buyer and the museum.

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